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Wednesday 28 April 2010

Breakin Convention Adiaspora Collective

The ADiaspora Collective is what you get when Vicki Igbokwe (Uchenna Dance) and Alesandra Seutin (Vocab Dance Company), collaborate creatively. Mixing Seutin's Afro-eclectic (African, contemporary, hip hop and Jazz dance, with spoken word and physical theatre) and Igbokwe's Urban Contemporary (House, Waacking, African, Contemporary and Vogueing) styles.

Frusted, their performance for Breakin' Convention 2010, was originally commissioned by East London Dance and Avant Garde, performed at Collabo as part of East London Dance's, season Dance Currents.

Interview with Vicki Igbokwe, choreographer for Uchenna Dance Company
By David Barros

Frusted: What's it about?
Frusted is about looking at the internal struggle that women face on a daily basis.

What's the message?
"Girl! I hear you and feel what your going though. Remember you are not alone." It is also a little bit of "I thought it was only me that went through that!"

Where did the idea come from?
The idea came from being in a studio full of women and realising we are all individual but go through similar emotions and scenario's in life. We (Alesandra Seutin and myself) wanted to create a piece that both us AND the dancers could own.

What you see is our life, our day to day struggles, our insecurities, us supporting each other, us feeling alone, us trying to hang on in there with life.

The dancers are powerful and take no prisoners.

What should people take away from it?
Life! Everyone has a different response to the work and we are interested in hearing these. There is not a particular 'thing' we expect you to take away. Above all we want you to enjoy the work and feel like you have been on some sort journey.

Whether you understand that journey or not, you feel it.

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