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Thursday, 31 July 2008

Next issue - news, features and new page fans needed!!

What's up guys?

Flav', editor of Too Much Flavour here!

August is just around the corner; pinches and punches will be dealt out ritually to welcome the new month.

Meanwhile, at 2MF Towers, we're putting together a plan for a new issue!
Thus far it is unclear whether it will be an entirely new issue, or a bigger edition of the present issue, kind of like an issue '1.5' - this is because the circulation of the present issue is tiny - seen only by the select few it has been sent to for promotional purposes.

Having a tiny readership was never on the books for 2MF, so to hail in the new month, we'll be starting to push out the project further, and to do that, we need the help of the fans - that's you!

If you know anyone in the industry, be they dancers, writers, event organisers, or just fans of hip hop dance, we want to hear from you!!
In this instance, anything is useful that we can check out for consideration in the magazine, including classes, competitions, school shows, urban events or local get downs - we want to know all about it!

Send/fwd what ever you may have to toomuchflavour@btinternet.
com or message them through to us on facebook.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Peace and flavour, all.

Dave / Flav'

Monday, 14 July 2008

'Too Much Flavour' is grade-A material!!

Dear fans of 'Too Much Flavour' (2MF).

This evening I received an email by my tutor announcing that 2MF has been graded 70% - that's a first in university terms!

Which such credibility behind it, hopefully 2MF can take off as a serious magazine some time in the future :)

Just letting the fans know - spread the word, and help get 2MF to where it wants to be!!

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